Writing Sci-fi

SOME HINTS & THOUGHTS ABOUT WRITING SCI-FI Sci-fi is mostly about current human endeavors and social anthropological issues and uses science to express, amplify, awaken or underline any situation resulting from those endeavors. Science can go speculative or be a fundamental part of the fiction, however, in both cases this fictional dress is enhanced via interactive interpretation of the conjunction of the apriori and empirical plane of thought processes. Science can use analogies to give a simpler explanation, and allegories can be used in certain stages. A perfect sci-fi story can only be achieved if these seemingly contradicting parts meet at a certain point. Fiction overall is enhancing the truth by constantly lying and convincing the reader using an accommodated combination of lies to create a fictional dress. The scientific part is pulling the other as being, by definition, a way to not fool yourself. So, between this foolishness, readers can find ...