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*Kitap içi illüstrasyonları ve hikâyenin akışına göre oluşturduğu çizimleri ile bu esere katkıda bulunan değerli Aynur Bostan'a teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum.

Tasarım : Seza Anet 


The science fiction novel Aniara, written by Swedish author Harry Martinson in 1956, was a revolutionary work in its genre. Fortunately, its value was recognized and in 1974 it became the first and only Nobel Prize in Literature awarded to the science fiction genre by winning the Nobel Prize in Literature. With Martinson's method, the story evolved into an even more impressive one through poetic narrative. The seeds of the Cosmic Ouroboros concept, like the life cycle of a fruit, evolved, rotted, and finally, in the spring of 2016, were returned to the soil to make room for new ones. In our conversations, which took place immediately after my dear Bernard Carr's talk on primordial black holes at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology), he not only further detailed the Cosmic Ouroboros analogy, but also shared some interesting and funny anecdotes about Feynman. This narrative, which was inspired by Martinson's method and has the potential to evolve into a space opera, also found its place in the space-time continuity of Anatolia, the land that offers endless blessings to the minds it raises in the effort to understand the universe and time. Greetings to the light-bringers who will tell endless stories to thousands of worlds.


The stories of those wandering at the limits of nature are revived with the cries of existence that reach the lands of Anatolia.

The blue-green planet needs a conscience to tell these endless stories.

It happened once.

Maybe it's a cosmic mistake.

Oh, curious reader! Your story may be this.

This cosmic network is the same blue everywhere.

Some of them are knotted tightly.

Some of them have broken

this network tells you

those like you.

Here! This is an endless story.

Let's start...

     Ön Okuma 
