KUSUR - yayında!

https://www.kitapyurdu.com/kitap/kusur/541070.html *Dijital olarak hazırladığı soyut "glitch" çalışmalarıyla muhteşem eserler ortaya koyan Tiago Martins' e bu muazzam kapak görseli için teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum. Eserlerine aşağıdaki linkten ulaşabilirsiniz ; I am very grateful for this amazing digital art portraying abstract glitch features, created by Tiago Martins . You can visit his page to see more of his works ; https://bigsta.net/media/2293778433456371146 https://www.instagram.com/geoglyser KUSUR (@thedefect137) • Instagram photos and videos https://yerlibilimkurguyukseliyor.com/2020/05/29/kusur-burak-cem-coskun/ https://www.kayipdunya.com/kayip-dunya/on-okuma-kusur-burak-cem-coskun Kısa inceleme yazısı KUSUR (@thedefect137) • Instagram photos and videos Midjourney illustrations (AI generated) for my books/short stories and poems (burakcemcoskun.blogspot.com) Foır English version of the preface and Abs...