KUSUR - yayında!

*Dijital olarak hazırladığı soyut "glitch" çalışmalarıyla muhteşem eserler ortaya koyan 
Tiago Martins'e bu muazzam kapak görseli için teşekkürlerimi sunuyorum. Eserlerine aşağıdaki linkten ulaşabilirsiniz ;

I am very grateful for this amazing digital art portraying abstract glitch features, 
created by Tiago Martins. You can visit his page to see more of his works ;   

Foır English version of the preface and Abstract see the bottom of the page

İç sayfalara bakış

Original video - Amir Asani

Music - Hans Zimmer

*All rights belong 
  • in blog homepage Nature
  • posted février 26, 2019

    This novel attempt to tell a story about something going wrong. Who it's being told to, why it's being told, and how it's being told is left to the reader's imagination and their efforts to interpret nature. Sometimes it is speculative, and other times it is based on solid scientific foundations. The events are fictionalized to offer readers an alternative way of perceiving scientific methodology. In fact, this is one of the fundamental problems of the science fiction genre. Contrary to what is thought, science fiction is often human-centered. It is true that science is used as a tool to reach sociological and philosophical conclusions, but it does not always have to be this way. This short story is based on the interaction between fiction and science. Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman has made important observations about the role of fiction in science. Even in physics, we use some small tricks to make our theories more understandable and to reach the simplest explanation, and these tricks are called analogies. Inspired by analogies, we densify our nodes on a network of threads. The most recent example of the role of fiction in science is probably the collaboration between Christopher Nolan and Kip Thorne in the movie Interstellar. Hollywood and Nolan, bless them, have brought two articles to our archive on gravitational lensing, new ideas have been tested on some astrophysical objects, and research has been carried out using scientific methods. Kusur could have told the story of what it was trying to tell in a longer and more comprehensive way, but we didn't want to bore the reader with long scientific dialogues and distract their attention. That's why we aimed for the story's plot to constantly pull the reader towards the ultimate nature of reality at a balanced pace. This journey also gives us clues about the concept of time. But is it possible to reach this concept with a flawless journey?

    Throughout its thousands of years of existence, humanity has dedicated itself to understanding and discovering the true nature of reality. However, physics is now in crisis, scientific research has lost its multidimensionality, and confidence in the theories describing nature has been gradually declining. Science has hit a wall. Was this the end of an era? Or the beginning of an interesting new one? It all started with an anomaly at the Troggia waterfall, located between the towns of Introbio and Vimognio, in northern Italy. Four scientists specializing in their respective fields were assigned by the United Nations to investigate this anomaly: an astroparticle physicist, a mathematician, a biologist, and a glaciologist. They embarked on a journey into the unknown to study the anomaly, which was said to have also manifested in people's personal lives, and to present a report on their findings. The local population of Introbio had learned to live with the anomaly and had raised generations in harmony with it. They called it KUSUR. Rumors about space and time also circulated in connection with Kusur. This journey of research and interpretation, full of flaws and defects, was a trip that offered clues about the ultimate nature of reality.


    1. Çok kaliteli bir bilim kurgu olmuş, oldukça sürükleyici. Paradokslar tam kıvamında. Farklı dillere de çevrilmeli. Bir Türk olarak gurur duydum böyle kaliteli bir Türk bilim kurgu yazarımız olduğu için. Altını çizerek okuduğum birçok yer var. Duyularımızın ve algımızın yetersizliğinden dolayı doğal olaylar sanki doğa üstü ya da anomali gibi görünüyor(örnek olarak, şelaledeki örtüşme frekansı ve zaman algısı ile ilgili olaylar). 'Kusur' uzayı, alışık olduğumuz zaman-uzay simetrisinin olmadığı yer. Yani zaman ve mekanda anomali algısı yaratan yer (bununla ilgili durağan evren similasyonu bir analoji görevi görmüş yani durağan zaman kavramıyla benzeşim kurulmuş sanırım. Aynı anda farklı zamanlarda bulunulabiliyor. sanrılar gerçekleşirken labirent uzayı da duragan. Bitkilerin ve kayaların alışık olduğumuz gibi tek bir yöne degil aynı anda birçok yöne dönmesi bunun habercisi. Hani bir cismi aynı anda birçok yere çekersin ve bu eşit ve zıt F kuvvetleri yüzünden cisim durur ya, onun gibi kusur lokasyonunda da uzay-zaman bu eğilimi gösteriyor. Bu da bitkilerde birçok yöne hareketi, kayalarda birçok yöne haraketi ve paralel zamanları oluşturuyor. Yazar kesinlikle modern bilim kurgu kitapları yazmaya devam etmeli.


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