Ex-Libris Collections


Bibliothek von B.C.Coşkun

These are some of the digitally printed and also lithographic ex-libris examples of my library. 

"What is found shall be returned to B.C.C."

1. The Quasar 3C273 (*Kip Thorne- Black Holes and Time Warps)

2. Huruf-i & Bektaş-i (Letter & Ebced)

3. Temple of Geometry

4. ESCHER "Relativity & Penrose"

4. ESCHER "Waterfall & Pucolli Shapes -da Vinci"

5.  Penrose Dragon of Reality

6. Danie Mellor - "From rite to ritual" - The sword of the real slices the impossible

7. Knidos - Eudoxus (Whats above is below !)

8. Jesperish BCC golden lock

9. Initiate the prince  -  Sword of the blue

10. Conformal Cyclic Universe 

11. Suprematist

12.  Pusio-logos of Miletos

Examples on books

