
Showing posts from 2019

The OA : Theories & Sketches

Here are some notes and sketches of a bored physicist trying to figure out one of the most spectacularly written sci-fi stories of all time (Yep, you heard it right, I think it is!). Hopefully, The OA is gonna shock many viewers when it is renewed and be the first of its kind as an audience-interactive & thought-provoking piece of art. Phenomenal job by the creators Brit Marling & Zal Batmanglij. First, look at these scenes very carefully and try to figure out the structure and the environment The OA is in.      Here is the fun part;      Petri polygon orthographic projections,    For 11 cube: Rose window ?

Road to the most precise theory constructed by man - QED

Following "back of the envelope" notes include ; A brief introduction to the Electroweak Theory Symmetries between Electrodynamics & Weak Interactions Fermi's analogy and Feynman's generalization Higgs mechanism Road to Quantum Electrodynamics -QED ** Most precise theory constructed by man .

Spin of a particle : What exactly is and what is not !

Following notes are created to give an insight about a spin quantum number and its physical description Some points that are mostly misunderstood or interpreted by many people about the spin of a particle or more conveniently the spin quantum number Spin is not actually a self-rotation of an electron around its rotation axes. It is an intrinsic degree of freedom independent from the coordinates (just like the mass of a particle) !!! When we consider fermionic particles(such as electron or proton), we consider that they have +-1/2 spin quantum number. Thus, we mostly use up and down terms since m(+-1/2) particles are easy to define that way. But there is no point of an arrow for the spin that can be defined as up or down. Even students graduated from physics and unfortunately many physicists point with their fingers up or down when trying to explain the spin to other people. Mostly they use it because it makes it easier to understand, however, if you do not explain this

An Idea and a Fruit


All You Zombies - A short story by Robert A. Heinlein

Poster work for "All You Zombies" by Heinlein  “I think that science fiction, even the corniest of it, even the most outlandish of it, no matter how badly it’s written, has a distinct therapeutic value because all of it has as its primary postulate that the world does change . I cannot overemphasize the importance of that idea." - Robert Anson Heinlein "I know where I came from, but where did all you zombies come from ? I felt a headache coming on, but a headache powder is one thing I don’t take. I did it once– and you all went away. So I crawled into bed and whistled out the light. You are not really there at all. There isn’t anyone but me — Jane — here alone in the dark. I miss you terribly.”

Feynman ve Dirac : Diyalog , HBT 159

Herkese Bilim Teknoloji , 12 Nisan 2019 159. sayıda yayınlanan Feynman ve Dirac: Diyalog yazısı  


*photo by Yücel Kılıç

Feynman ve Dirac - Diyalog

Bu diyalog, 1961 yılı Solvay Konferansı arasında, Richard P. Feynman ile Paul A. M. Dirac arasında gerçekleştiği bilinen fakat içeriği hakkında pek de bilgi sahibi olunamayan sohbetin bir kurgusunu içermektedir. *                                     Twelfth Solvay Conference on Physics, Brussels, 1961 [1] Dönemin ünlü teorisi olan kuantum elektrodinamiğine( QED ) büyük katkıları olan bu iki büyük fizikçinin, birbirlerinden farklı bakış açıları ile doğayı betimleme istekleri dönem boyunca bu konuda yapılan çalışmalar için adeta bir sürücü kuvvet oluşturmuştur.  Konferansın en genç üyelerinden olan Feynman'ın QED üzerine yaptığı konuşma ile sonlanan konferans en temel hatları ile Dirac denkleminin quantum mekaniği ile göreliliği birleştiren, tek bir elektronun hareketini klasik fiziksel yapısı ile birlikte quantum mekaniksel devinimlerini de betimlemeye çalışan doğasının tartışılması ile geçmişti.  Feynman, aşırı sosyal, şakacı ve atak halleriyle daha az konuşmakla yetinen