
WELCOME TO IONIA | Tales of The Monsters of Blue Anatolia - IYON 7

WELCOME TO IONIA Welcome, fantasy lovers. Today, I'm inviting you on a journey to uncover the mysteries of Blue Anatolia . This is a place where legends come alive, where dreams and nightmares intertwine. Imagine a land draped in a perpetual twilight. The air is thick with enchantment. And the ground beneath your feet pulses with an ancient magic. In this realm, the white tower of Akragas stood tall, a beacon of hope against the azure sky. Its polished surface reflected the sun, a blinding reminder of past glory. Yet a chill wind blew from the north, carrying whispers of the frozen wasteland of Abdera. There, ice giants roamed amidst glaciers that clawed at the heavens. The journey through Blue Anatolia was a dance between extremes. From the sweltering heat of the sun city to the biting cold of the frozen wastes, every step was a challenge, but it was a journey worth taking. for within this land of contrasts lay the secrets to forgotten dreams and the keys to understanding the ver

İYON 7 Karakter Konseptleri | IYON 7 Character Concept Art & Mavi Anadolu'nun Canavarları

 CHARACTER CONCEPTS CHALKEUS LUCINA TIANO KATAKRON YALKIT HARPAK THALES ANAKSIMANDROS ANAKSAGORAS ANAKSIMENES PISAGOR HERAKLEITOS EMPEDOKLES Yazarın işbu eser üzerindeki sahipliği,   TurkTrust ve BCCart  güvencesi altında tescil edilmiştir. İşbu eser, yazarın yazılı izni olmadan hiçbir biçimde üçüncü şahıslarla paylaşılamaz; kamuya sunulamaz, çoğaltılamaz. The author's ownership of this work is registered under the guarantee of,  TurkTrust , and  BCCart . This work may not be shared with third parties in any form without the author's written permission; it may not be made public or reproduced.


  81. SAYI Yerli Bilimkurgu Yükseliyor (